Sunday, May 11, 2014

Wishing you….

Second Sunday of Advent, and we celebrate the Love of God.

‘For God so loved the world that He sent His only Son…..’

‘And the Word was God….and the Word became flesh….’

Jesus was born of God’s love for each and every person who has ever lived, is living, or will ever live on this earth.

Much of the imagery that depicts the birth of Christ is imaginative, and it’s fairly certain that in fact He wasn’t born on or around December 25, but that that date was chosen by the then-new Christian church because of already existing festivals honoring pagan gods for the ‘rebirth’ of the sun.  That’s okay, the actual date of Jesus’ birth isn’t important, what is important is that He was born, that He lived and loved and His love lives on.

In our home, part of our Christmas decorating is the display of my collection of nativity scenes, a reminder of God’s love sent to earth. 


(This is only a small part of a collection that has grown to over 40 pieces in various mediums: wall hangings, a flag outside, cross-stitch renderings, ornaments, pieces picked up on some of our travels, gifts from others, even a quilt)

I wish for each of you that you could know the Love of God in your lives.

Happy second Advent!         Blessings, Peg

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